Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rain Type 17

It was raining now, just for a change.

Swish swish flop swish flop swish flop flop flop scrape.

[foto: medula]

...he had been
through types 33 (light pricking drizzle which made the roads
slippery), 39 ( heavy spotting), 47 to 51 (vertical light drizzle
through to sharply slanting light to moderate drizzle
freshening), 87 and 88 (two finely distinguished varieties of
vertical torrential downpour), 100 (post-downpour squalling,
cold), all the seastorm types between 192 and 213 at once, 123,
124, 126, 127 (mild and intermediate cold gusting, regular and
syncopated cab-drumming), 11 (breezy droplets), and now his least
favourite of all, 17.

Rob McKeena had two hundred and thirty-one different types of
rain entered in his little book, and he didn't like any of them.

Douglas Adams

1 comment:

Ed said...

Another fan of the man.